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Christian Business Owners and Professionals of Naples (CBOP) does not sponsor, endorse recommend or approve any person or business on this web site. Because forums by their nature are collaborative the Christian Business Owners and Professionals of Naples (CBOP) cannot make any assurance as to the timeliness or accuracy of information provided by the site itself or any member. If any posting presents incomplete, insufficient or inaccurate information CBOP cannot be held accountable.  Users must use their independent judgment of the quality of any individual, entity or information that may be on or through this web site.  Content placed or uploaded on the site is governed by CBOP’s Guiding Principles.  All information posted on the site is deemed non-confidential

Much to the delight of our members, commercial transactions may result from the use of this site.  Other relationships, professional and otherwise, may also result.  The outcomes of any such transactions or relationships are the responsibilities of the participating individuals alone, not CBOP.

Christian Business owners and Professionals (CBOP) encourages networking and the exchange of ideas.  In furtherance of this aim, linked web sites may be placed on entries.  However, at any time, CBOP reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disable a link or prevent the creation of a link.  CBOP does not make any representation or warranty with respect to third party services to which this site may link.

 Christian Business owners and Professionals (CBOP) reserves the right to cancel any listing and discontinue membership of any member it believes may be engaging in infringement of the rights of others, copyright violation, illegal, unethical or immoral activities or any inappropriate behavior.

The site and its content are provided “as is” without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied.  Users agree that use of this site is at their own sole risk.


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